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ΚΣΜ-210 αναδιπλούμενο βοηθητικό σύστημα μεταφοράς ασθενών ηλεκτρικό ανυψωτήρα για να κάθεται ο ασθενής σε θέση ανάπαυσης ηλεκτρικό ανυψωτήρα με κινητήρα από κράμα σιδήρου ή αλουμινίου

περιγραφή του προϊόντος

KSM-210 Foldable patient transfer aid lift electric sit to stand patient lift electric lifter motorized Iron or aluminum alloy manufactureKSM-210 Foldable patient transfer aid lift electric sit to stand patient lift electric lifter motorized Iron or aluminum alloy factoryKSM-210 Foldable patient transfer aid lift electric sit to stand patient lift electric lifter motorized Iron or aluminum alloy supplierKSM-210 Foldable patient transfer aid lift electric sit to stand patient lift electric lifter motorized Iron or aluminum alloy supplierKSM-210 Foldable patient transfer aid lift electric sit to stand patient lift electric lifter motorized Iron or aluminum alloy manufactureKSM-210 Foldable patient transfer aid lift electric sit to stand patient lift electric lifter motorized Iron or aluminum alloy factoryKSM-210 Foldable patient transfer aid lift electric sit to stand patient lift electric lifter motorized Iron or aluminum alloy supplierKSM-210 Foldable patient transfer aid lift electric sit to stand patient lift electric lifter motorized Iron or aluminum alloy factoryKSM-210 Foldable patient transfer aid lift electric sit to stand patient lift electric lifter motorized Iron or aluminum alloy manufactureKSM-210 Foldable patient transfer aid lift electric sit to stand patient lift electric lifter motorized Iron or aluminum alloy supplierKSM-210 Foldable patient transfer aid lift electric sit to stand patient lift electric lifter motorized Iron or aluminum alloy detailsKSM-210 Foldable patient transfer aid lift electric sit to stand patient lift electric lifter motorized Iron or aluminum alloy detailsKSM-210 Foldable patient transfer aid lift electric sit to stand patient lift electric lifter motorized Iron or aluminum alloy detailsKSM-210 Foldable patient transfer aid lift electric sit to stand patient lift electric lifter motorized Iron or aluminum alloy supplierKSM-210 Foldable patient transfer aid lift electric sit to stand patient lift electric lifter motorized Iron or aluminum alloy supplier

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